Lynnfield Recycling and Waste Management Survey

October 16, 2019

Recycling and Waste Management Survey

Please complete this important survey concerning Recycling and Waste Management in Lynnfield.

The direct link to this online survey is available

and it is expected to only take 5 minutes to complete. Your response would be greatly appreciated.

The objective of this survey is to understand our community priorities with respect to trash and recycling. By diverting the amount we reuse, recycling and compost, Lynnfield can reduce its cost for waste disposal. Our ultimate goal is to preserve the environment for generations to come, and improve and encourage responsible waste management.

Here are some facts:

  • For 2019, the total cost of trash and recycling collection, trash disposal and recycling processing is more than $800,000.
  • Our current contract expires in two years and based on current trends, rates are expected to increase significantly.
  • The Town could save a minimum of $42 per ton in avoided trash disposal costs by reducing our waste and increasing our reuse, recycling and composting.
  • On a per household basis, Lynnfield residents throw out more trash than 26 other North of Boston communities.
  • Lynnfield’s recycling rate is 19%, falling below other like communities that recycle as much as 48% of their total waste.
  • Our trash is brought to one of three waste incinerators located in Essex County and recycling is brought to GreenWorks.

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Lynnfield 2019 Household Hazardous Waste Day

October 16, 2019

2019 Household Hazardous Waste Day

Lynnfield residents will get a chance on Saturday, November 16th to empty their basements, garages and attics of all those hazardous items that cannot be thrown out for the weekly trash collection.

Public Works will again be sponsoring this event on Saturday, November 16th from 8 a.m. – noon at the Middle School parking lot located at 505 Main Street. This event will be open to all town residents. Those participating will need to provide a driver’s license that will identify them as Lynnfield residents in order to take part in this event.

The cost to Lynnfield residents is free, except for the following items: $30.00 for each CRT’s/televisions less than 36 inches in size or $60.00 for each CRT’s/televisions larger than 36 inches; large gas grill type propane tanks are $9, and small propane tanks are $5 each, car batteries are $6. These prices are set by Clean Harbors.

Since the town is picking up the remaining cost for all other items on November 16th and is charged by the full car-load (up to 25 pounds or 25 gallons), the DPW encourages residents to “buddy up” with their neighbors in order to help reduce the cost.

Some of the hazardous items that will be collected on November 16th include” oil-based paints, paint strippers, weed killer, chemical fertilizers, engine degreasers, anti-freeze, pool chemicals, motor oil, car batteries, aerosol cans.

More important, items that cannot be collected are: trash, latex paint, radioactive waste, biological waste, ammunition, fireworks, fire extinguishers, prescription medicines.

To safely transport these hazardous materials to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection site, leave all materials in their original containers and make sure all caps and lids are tightened. All oil paint, pesticides and household cleaners should be sorted and packed separately. Residents are cautioned not to mix chemicals and never smoke while handling hazardous materials.

Further information on what items are considered hazardous or non-hazardous can be found on the DPW web site. Questions may be directed to the Public Works office at 781-334-9500 Ext. 0.

Sept Lynnfield Town Meeting Summaries

September 29, 2019

Articles from the Lynn Item and Patch describing the outcome of the Sept 26th Town Meeting.

Oct 2 Lynnfield Planning Board meeting.

September 22, 2019

Lynnfield First Reponders

September 8, 2019

The Town of Lynnfield invites the community to the annual “First Responders Day” at the Common on Wednesday, September 11, from 6:00-7:15 p.m.
The purpose is to honor our brave men and women who serve us locally, and as a remembrance of the tragedy which occurred on 9/11.
There will be a brief ceremony from 6:00-6:15 p.m.
followed by a free barbeque sponsored by the Town of Lynnfield from 6:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m.

Lynnfield Board of Selectmen meeting – Sept 9th, 2019

September 8, 2019

(As required by MGL Chapter 30A, sections 18-25)
Please email all meeting notices to treid AND
Town Clerk Date Stamp
Board/Committee Name: Board of Selectmen
Day/Date: September 9, 2019
Time of Meeting: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Merritt Center, 600 Market Street
1. Application for Change of Officers/Directors, Whole Foods Market, 427 Walnut Street
2. Interview of candidate for treasurer, Leslie Davidson
3. Application for livery license, Boston First Limo Service, 375 Broadway
4. Night of Hope event and substance abuse and mental health services grant award
5. Opening of fall town meeting warrant and set closing date
6. Memorandum of Understanding, Lynnfield Police Association
7. Memorandum of Understanding, Lynnfield Department of Public Works
8. Contract, Lynnfield School Custodians and Bus Driver
9. Appointment of sealer of weights and measures
10. Town Administrator Report
11. Closing of special town meeting warrant
12. Recommendations on warrant articles
13. Request for executive session under Mass. General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21 (A) (3) to
discuss collective bargaining strategy for which an open discussion may adversely affect the
Town’s negotiating position.

Federal Census – from Lynnfield Town Hall

August 21, 2019

Recent posting about the 2020 Federal Census.

The Census Bureau is currently conducting Address Canvassing, the first major field operation of the 2020 Census, and will continue to run through mid-October. Census Bureau address canvassers ensure an accurate and complete count by verifying addresses, which involves noting where houses, apartments, shelters, and other residences are located. Prior to the 2010 Census, address canvassing was done for 100% of the addresses. For the 2020 Census, only about 30% of the addresses will be visited by address canvassers and only in areas where there has been significant changes over the past 10 years. The address canvassers will knock on the door of an address they are trying to verify to confirm the address and inquire if there are any other separate living quarters in the house. These activities will take place during daylight hours. If no one answers the door, the address canvasser will look for visual identifiers to confirm the address, such as an address on a mail box, and if nothing can be found, the address will be flagged for further follow-up.

The Census Bureau has stated that they are proactively working with local law enforcement so that police officers know the operation is occurring.

If you are visited by someone from the Census Bureau, and want to verify their identity and occupation, here are some tips to assure the validity of the field representative:

* Census takers must present an ID badge that includes a photograph of the field representative, a Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date.

* Note that census workers may be carrying a Census Bureau phone or a laptop as well as a bag with a Census Bureau logo.

* Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 781-334-9400

Lynnfield Finance Committee Meeting

August 19, 2019


(As required by MGL Chapter 30A, sections 18-25)
Please email all meeting notices to treid AND dhammerbeck
Board/Committee Name: FINANCE COMMITEE
Day/Date: MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2019
Time of Meeting: 7:00 p.m.

1. Chairman Calls the Meeting to Order
2. Rail Trail Discussion
3. Officer Elections
4. Subcommittee Reports
5. Public Comment
6. Minutes

100 Days till Fall Town Meeting

July 13, 2019

Only 100 days till the Fall Town Meeting. Wonder what will be on the warrant.

Happy July Fourth – Information and a quiz for Today

July 4, 2019

On the Fourth of July we should all take a few moments to read the Declaration of Independence.

To read it, click on the following link:

If you are attending any events today, use the following quiz about this day with family and friends.

  1. Which two presidents, who were also signers of the Declaration, died on the same July 4th?
  2. Which one died first on that day?
  3. How old were they when they died?
  4. What other president died on the July 4th?
  5. What president was born on the Fourth of July?


  1. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. They both died on July 4th 1826, fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  2. Jefferson died around noontime and Adams around five PM
  3. Adams was 90 and Jefferson 83
  4. James Monroe died on July 4th 1831
  5. Calvin Coolidge in 1872